Monday, December 13, 2010

So Where is That Santa Claus Rally Already?

The market's supposed to go up during the month of December, right? Yet this time around some are questioning why exactly stocks can't seem to hit the gas. Whatever happened to December being the best month of the year?

Well, actually we're doing pretty par for the course. The thing is that December historically starts and ends really well; it's the middle portion that's lackluster. The real Santa Claus rally occurs in the last seven or so trading days (with the exception of Dec 31 due to tax-selling) of the month.

So enjoy your gains and other holiday merrymaking. The real issue for us here at Royalty Trades is what's coming up in January and February.

A Real Irishman Tells it Like it Is

The roots of the financial crisis finally explained. NSFW

H/T to Eddy at